#Orbiter extruder wiring upgrade
I thought it was a good time for an upgrade so I installed a new Orbiter 2.0 with filament detector on my Voron 2.4 and the problems began. M207 S1.5 F7200 Z0.My Voron 2.4 running Klipper had been running great for a while but the afterburner assembly was starting to show weakness. M900 T0 K0.22 L0.02 linear advance values to be calibrated There are two ways to configure Marlin for the Orbiter extruder.ġ) Send configuration commands via user interface and save them to EEPROM.Ģ) Edit and change Marlin configuration files: Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h recompile and reflash your microcontroller firmware. If yes you might have misconfigured something (shunt / sense resistor) causing higher motor current than you think you’ve set. This means you are tingling the right configuration, then set it to what it should be and check motor temperature, should not exceed 75☌ at room temperature. Command extrusion, you should see the extruder turns but it skips steps very easy. Set the current to a very low level 0.1-0.2A. How you can identify the sense resistor? It’s pretty easy, look for two identical resistors which are bigger than all the others onboard or around the stepper driver. 0.85A shall give a power loss of about 3.5W doubling the current will lead to >14W – this will melt all the plastic gearset before you even notice something is wrong! TMC2130, TMC2208 and TMS2209 usually have 0.11ΩĪs an example, if you set by mistake the sense resistor to 0.11Ω instead of 0.051Ω the real current of the motor will be more than double, and the power injected in the motor more than four time higher, yes you read it correctly FOUR – AKA 4 times higher. Please make sure the sense resistor is set according to what you have on board. Pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.03 #to be calibrated Pressure_advance: 0.025 #to be calibrated Nozzle_diameter: x.xx #define nozzle diameter M572 D0 S0.02 pressure advance – to be calibrated M906 E1200 I10 motor current 1.2A idle current 10% M566 E300 instantaneous speed change mm/min M92 E690 steps/mm – you may need to finetune it M350 E16 I1 micro stepping set to 16 with interpolation

To reduce clicking noise of the extruder (due to fast direction change) you may limit acceleration to 3000mm/s2

Adding weight of the filament it drags along its recommended to have acceleration limit set not above 8000mm/s 2.

* The extruder itself without filament can handle acceleration up to 25000mm/s 2.